The Dreams of Wealth Books

The Dreams of Wealth™ series of books explores the role of personal finance in transforming lives and realizing dreams.

“Everyone has dreams of wealth. But how do you take the steps to put those dreams in place? Let me share some of what I’ve learned over thirty years of advising clients as they walk through the labyrinths of their lives. As an advisor, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing people articulate their visions, take leaps of faith to achieve those goals, deal with numerous setbacks along the way, and ultimately find a sense of joy and well-being that is what wealth is all about.” ~ Sue Stevens

Brian PortnoyBrian PortnoyFounder, Shaping Wealth

The four books that constitute the Dreams of Wealth™ series are a tour de force in articulating the relationship between money and meaning. Sue compels us to think about our personal and subjective “why” right along the seemingly countless tasks in keeping our money lives straight. I’ve never before seen anything like Dreams of Wealth.

Affiliate Disclusure: Sue Stevens is a participant in the Amazon Associates LLC Associate program and earns commissions from qualifying purchases resulting from links on this website.

The Dreams of Wealth™ series.

Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is

By envisioning what you want your money to do, you can find deep satisfaction in how you lead your life.

2022 Winner - Independent Press Award - Personal Finance SeriesIndie Readers Discovery Awards - 2022 Winner

Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is focuses on what’s truly important, gives you the tools to get organized, shows you how to analyze your financial situation and take the next steps in your own financial journey.

Beth GamelBeth GamelRetired Managing Director, Argent Wealth Management

I cannot think of a single financial planning concept, strategy or issue Sue Stevens overlooked in her comprehensive Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is. In clear and highly readable language, Stevens combines technical topics with examples and insights from her 30 years as a financial advisor. Unlike other books that focus on the technical, just a few topics or people at specific stages of life or levels of wealth, this book is useful and accessible for anyone who wants to put their financial house in order and achieve their financial goals.

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Financial Planning Diagnostics

Just like a doctor runs a series of tests to understand what the body is telling you, these financial diagnostics tell an advisor (or you, the reader) more about what is going on in your financial situation.

2022 Winner - Independent Press Award - Personal Finance SeriesIndie Readers Discovery Awards - 2022 Winner

Financial Planning Diagnostics focuses on asking the right questions and doing some excavation work on your own financial situation. You’ll find diagnostics to help you explore Analyzing Your Net Worth Statement, Mind Map, and Tax Return in more depth. You’ll also find checklists on budgeting, year-end planning, job loss, divorce, family meetings and much more.

Ross LevinRoss LevinChief Executive Officer and Founder, Accredited Investors Wealth Management

What I found most interesting about Financial Planning Diagnostics was that after a nearly forty-year career in this industry, I still learned something. Many years ago, I wrote a book that provided a way to judge client success in financial planning. While that book had a series of questions and checklists, I think that Financial Planning Diagnostics improves upon my original work, takes it to the next level, and introduces us to concepts that I wish I had originated. This book is a gift to the profession as it unwraps how we should be handling our client relationships. Each of us can benefit from this integrated approach.

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Financial Planning Literacy

Financial Planning Literacy focuses on life events, understanding terminology about sometimes complex concepts so that you can find the right answer for you.

2022 Winner - Independent Press Award - Personal Finance Series

Financial Planning Literacy expands on the knowledge base you need to educate yourself on a wide expanse of financial planning topics including risk management, life events, education funding, charitable planning, executive compensation, retirement income streams, tax bracket planning, health care concerns in retirement. If you’re ready to take your financial planning to the next level, this book can help you learn more about what you need to know.

Pam KruegerPam KruegerCEO and founder of Wealthramp

If we want to make our dreams of wealth come true, we need to start with a basic understanding of the building blocks of personal finance—balancing income and spending, saving effectively for retirement or college, managing risk, estate planning, charitable giving and more. In Financial Planning Literacy, Sue Stevens takes this process a step further by providing tools we can use to evaluate our financial knowledge strengths and development areas—and delivering a wealth of educational information to help us fill in the gaps.

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The Financial Bridge

The Financial Bridge focuses on end-of-life planning and what you need to know as you approach the latter years of your life.

2022 Winner - Independent Press Award - Personal Finance SeriesLiving Now Book Awards Bronze WinnerIndie Readers Discovery Awards - 2022 Winner

The Financial Bridge explores estate planning strategies, reviews types of charitable planning vehicles, looks more closely at living arrangements as you age, how to care for aging parents and making final arrangements. You’ll find templates for inventorying your estate and how to plan for your pets’ care after you’re gone. Estate and legacy planning is how we cross the financial bridge. It ensures your legacy represents your values and long-held beliefs.

Adam BirenbaumAdam BirenbaumChairman and Chief Executive Officer, Buckingham Wealth Partners

Sue Stevens is one of the industry’s planning “legends.” Known for her combination of technical acumen and passion around client care, she has helped countless families and advisors throughout her journey. Her writings are just a taste of that knowledge and expertise and caring spirit, and they’re delivered in such an amazing way – distilling complex, sophisticated planning into digestible and actionable strategy.

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There are many topics discussed in the Dreams of Wealth™ series of books that relate to investment, financial planning, tax, and other matters. However, such topics are discussed for educational and informational purposes only, and should not be construed as specifically-tailored advice that is based on any particular individual's situation. Each individual's financial situation and goals are different, and readers should consult with professional advisors of your choice before taking any action based on the topics discussed therein. All investment and financial planning decisions involve risk, so it is important that you fully understand such risks and are willing to bear them.

Get started on your Dreams of Wealth™ journey.

Practical guidance and tools to envision and execute on building your dreams of wealth.

  • Dreams of Wealth - Before we start to think about the building blocks of personal finance, let’s take a moment to think about what you want. Read More
  • Money & Meaning - By taking what you have right now, envisioning your goals, working steadily on your plan, you can watch your dreams take shape. Your journey can be extremely rewarding and can happen at any level of wealth. Read More
  • Financial Literacy Self-Assessment - Run through this checklist and pat yourself on the back when you’ve taken steps in the right direction. Prioritize what you want to tackle next and be more aware of what you don’t know—yet. Read More

More Financial Planning Commentary from Sue Stevens